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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

My Vegetable Salad Recipe with Homemade Croutons

     So, today I will be posting my vegetable salad recipe which is very easy to make, very popular recipe and procedures. Let's go straight with the ingredients.


1. Cucumber                          5. Few cloves of garlic
2. Singkamas                        6. Salad dressing (I use mayonnaise)
3. Green Lettuce                   7. Butter (I use Dairy Cream)
4. Fresh Tomatoes                8. Bread of your choice (for your homemade croutons)

1. Wash the lettuce. Cut the bottom part then start to chop into chunks. Put in a big bowl.
2. Coat lettuce with the salad dressing, but do not overcoat. Keep some for later use.
3. Wash tomatoes then cut as desired size. Set aside.
4. Wash cucumber then remove skin and cut as desired size. Set aside.
5. Wash singkamas then remove skin. Then start to chop as desired size. You might not want to put a lot of singkamas in your salad and to chop big chunks as this may cause indigestion.
6. Put these three (3) ingredients in the bowl, then add the salad dressing and start to mix.
7. Make sure to cover all the ingredients with the dressing. Set aside.
8. To make your home made croutons; Heat a pan, then, prepare two (2) to three (3) bread of your choice (I use white bread) and remove each brown side. Then start to cut into squares.
9. Mince a garlic. With the heated pan, put a generous amount of butter. 
10. Wait till the butter melted. Then put the minced garlic.
11. Stir the garlic all over the pan then remove till golden brown.
12. Add the bread. Make sure to cover each side of the bread with butter. You may want to add more butter, don't worry, the garlic will still taste. 
13. Continue to stir until toasted (which I like the most) then put at the top of the salad after. And we're done. Enjoy your salad 🙂

     I love the croutons the most. I believe that without the croutons, it's just a plain, simple, ordinary vegetable salad. It just gives more flavor (saltiness) and texture to it. I also like the combination of lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and singkamas for its taste and health benefits. And the sourness of the mayonnaise just balanced it all. I have watched almost all of these vegetable recipes in Youtube and I noticde that most of them were just the same or almost have the same ingredients and procedures, just different variations, so I collect all the ingredients I can and follow all the procedures I can, then I come up with these.

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